\\\\\ Qualifications


Advanced Industrial Resources, Inc. (AIR) is an environmental engineering firm specializing in air emissions source sampling and OSHA-type worker exposure indoor air quality studies.  The company was founded in 1998 and has provided air quality testing and consulting services throughout the United States and internationally.  AIR personnel have extensive experience utilizing USEPA, OSHA, NCASI, NIOSH, and state procedures and protocols for collecting, testing, reporting, and managing all aspects of air quality testing programs.  The purpose of this document is to present the summary of qualifications that will afford our clients and potential clients the ability to understand AIR’s experience level and capabilities which allow us to provide our stated services at the highest expected level.  AIR’s goal is to provide our clients accurate and certified results with a customer service focused approach in an economical and efficient manner.

AIR has conducted thousands of source emissions testing projects for various purposes including state permit compliance, Title V compliance demonstrations, initial and annual certifications (CEMS), equipment performance guarantee emissions testing projects for both vendors and facilities, as well as ‘engineering’ projects for facility information gathering.  AIR has also assisted many of our clients in demonstrating compliance with the various NSPS and NESHAP MACT standards as well as in preparation for meeting these standards.  Our emission testing capabilities include the complete spectrum of analytes including particulate matter (TPM, CPM, PM2.5/10), total selected metals, mercury, sulfuric acid mist, hydrogen chlorides, dioxins/furans, PCBs, PAHs, speciated volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds as well as gaseous pollutants/parameters such as carbon monoxide, oxygen, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, total reduced sulfurs, and total hydrocarbons.  Please note this list is not all inclusive of our capabilities but provides the most common constituents our test projects include.

AIR’s laboratory is currently accredited for stack testing and select sample analysis through the Louisiana Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (LELAP).  We are in the process of upgrading our accreditation status to NELAP.  Additionally, as is applicable under 40 CFR Part 75 Appendix A Section 6.1.2(b)(2), AIR ‘self-certifies’ that its quality system conforms to the ASTM D 7036-4 standard.  Finally, each of AIR’s field technicians are either currently Qualified Stack Testing Individuals (QSTI) or are in AIR’s training program with the goal of becoming QSTI certified.